Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to become Scuba Certified

Diving is a fun, exciting, and relaxing sport. It can be quite dangerous, however, if you do not have the proper training before diving. It takes about a few days of training in a pool or in a lake along with classroom training. Classroom training explains the basic physics of diving (which helps divers understand the skills they will be learning and the function of each piece of gear). It also covers the all-important rules of calculating how long it is safe to stay underwater at different depths, the science of diving illnesses such as the bends and nitrogen narcosis, first aid, and concepts that will be practiced in the pool and open water parts of the course. In the pool, students learn to use the SCUBA gear in a safe controlled environment. (Note: The "pool" component can be taught off shore in tropical waters, in a shallow place with good visibility). Student’s practice assembling, putting on, and taking off gear, learn what all the controls are for, then practice descending underwater, breathing through the regulator, clearing masks, and performing emergency operations such as sharing air with a partner. The course is taught in simple steps, and even people who think they would be terrified to dive quickly start to feel very natural underwater. Pool drills are repeated until students feel absolutely comfortable with their gear and their ability to use it.Then at the end of the course you take a test and that determines if you pass the class or not. Getting scuba certified can be difficult for some people. Especially if they are nervous in the beginning, but there is nothing to be scared about. As long as you got the right trainers and equipment you will be just fine. Scuba diving can often be expensive at times, especially if you have a whole family that is getting certified. You have to pay for each one of their classes and all their scuba gear.


  1. I really liked your post. I never knew there was so much to getting certified, i knew some of the things but not all of it. I think i might be a little worried at first just because ive never tried it before.

  2. i really liked this post and i you just make me want to go get my scuba license and then go swimming with the pigeons!!!

  3. Taylor, there is a lot to getting certified but there is nothing to be worried about. It's actually really fun and well worth it.

  4. Andrew, you and your drewness needs to calm down.. thank you

  5. This is so well written and I learned a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I didn't know you had to pay for classes and suba gear.
    Thanks Melissa!<33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
