Thursday, February 10, 2011

Missing Diver

Everyday Scuba Divers become missing and they are no where to be found. The worst nightmare for a scuba diver is to ascend after a dive and find the boat gone. Or watch it up anchor and motor away. Being left alone to drift on the ocean is a very real, and dangerous, situation. Recently a diver was found dead at Alligator Reef in Islandmorada FL Keys. That’s scary because that’s where my family and I usually go diving every summer. I think some divers need to be more cautious and not dive alone. Many things could happen to you like, run out of air while your about 100ft below. Theres no one down there to help you. Diving alone is never ok.


  1. this is a good lesson that you put across to readers because i have always wanted to dive alone just to get away from everything but now i wont cause now i no it very dangorous and you probley just saved my life!!!!thanks kid!

  2. I agree with your post, People really shouldnt dive alone. Thats a very scary thing to think about, they really should be more careful to and pay attention to how much air they have left.
