Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to become Scuba Certified

Diving is a fun, exciting, and relaxing sport. It can be quite dangerous, however, if you do not have the proper training before diving. It takes about a few days of training in a pool or in a lake along with classroom training. Classroom training explains the basic physics of diving (which helps divers understand the skills they will be learning and the function of each piece of gear). It also covers the all-important rules of calculating how long it is safe to stay underwater at different depths, the science of diving illnesses such as the bends and nitrogen narcosis, first aid, and concepts that will be practiced in the pool and open water parts of the course. In the pool, students learn to use the SCUBA gear in a safe controlled environment. (Note: The "pool" component can be taught off shore in tropical waters, in a shallow place with good visibility). Student’s practice assembling, putting on, and taking off gear, learn what all the controls are for, then practice descending underwater, breathing through the regulator, clearing masks, and performing emergency operations such as sharing air with a partner. The course is taught in simple steps, and even people who think they would be terrified to dive quickly start to feel very natural underwater. Pool drills are repeated until students feel absolutely comfortable with their gear and their ability to use it.Then at the end of the course you take a test and that determines if you pass the class or not. Getting scuba certified can be difficult for some people. Especially if they are nervous in the beginning, but there is nothing to be scared about. As long as you got the right trainers and equipment you will be just fine. Scuba diving can often be expensive at times, especially if you have a whole family that is getting certified. You have to pay for each one of their classes and all their scuba gear.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Missing Diver

Everyday Scuba Divers become missing and they are no where to be found. The worst nightmare for a scuba diver is to ascend after a dive and find the boat gone. Or watch it up anchor and motor away. Being left alone to drift on the ocean is a very real, and dangerous, situation. Recently a diver was found dead at Alligator Reef in Islandmorada FL Keys. That’s scary because that’s where my family and I usually go diving every summer. I think some divers need to be more cautious and not dive alone. Many things could happen to you like, run out of air while your about 100ft below. Theres no one down there to help you. Diving alone is never ok.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Did you know?

  Did you know scuba diving is a drug. Once you have experienced this beautifully exhilarating sport, you cannot help but become addicted. You may become a scuba junkie, craving your next underwater fix. What a great way to enjoy life, live to dive. Scuba diving is about a lot more than looking at fish. It can also involve treasure hunting and fossil finding, for example. Wreck diving is a type of scuba diving that involves diving on shipwrecks and sometimes looking for sunken treasure. Shark diving is one of my favorites. A dive with sharks brings you to a totally different environment. The moment you hit the water, you will discover the full meaning of nature which was once limited to land and air. Get a grasp of the underwater scene as you fully enjoy sea nature in its natural state. Of all the wildest activities, shark diving sure does measure up. It's the most fun activity you can ever have on a dull weekend. Great adventures come and go, but a shark dive is something you never forget. This is the adventure of all adventures. Sharks are more scared of you than anything so there is no reason to be scared at all. The one thing that is amazing to me is being surrounded by sharks. To me it’s just awesome it’s like a natural high.

-There's nothing a good day of diving won't cure

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the great experience of diving

Scuba diving is one of the most interesting hobbies of mine. I definitely think everyone should try it at least once before they die. It’s well worth it. Being underwater and seeing all the fish and creatures and how they live is just absolutely amazing. I would go everyday if I could. I almost dove to the bottom of a cave before. I’ve also dove below over 100ft and with sharks following me. Scuba diving is such a great experience. Almost like being on a different planet. My dream is to dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

I believe that once you learn all about scuba diving it will soon become a life long obsession. Scuba diving gives you the chance to unveil the mysteries and the wonders of the environment which covers the majority of our planet. When scuba diving you will discover adventure, excitement and fun.

Scuba diving, however, also has its share of disadvantages, which could even sometimes be fatal. Scuba diving, though considered a leisure sport, may turn out to be  dangerous for the inexperienced. There are so many things that you have to follow, particularly if you are a beginner. One of these is preventing your urge to quickly ascend to the surface because you would just be opening your body to the risk of incurring a decompression sickness which could do some serious injuries.